What blessings and fruitfulness are we missing out on because we are walking in bitterness and judgement on ourselves and those around us that aren't fitting into our expectations...
Every time I submit to frustration and anger versus the love of God in my heart...it's because I chose to follow my own selfish nature and the hurt from the broken expectations in my life.
If you follow this path, as I recently have, it's a never ending journey of despair and it's time to come up for air, take a breath and get re-aligned to truth.
ROMANS 12:2 msg
"Instead, fix your attention on God. you'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity in you."
In other versions, "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind".
Its easy to loose heart, faith and peace when we fix our attention to the expectations we had that are not being met...I know I do, when my marriage has troubles, when my children are being rude and ungrateful, when financial troubles overwhelm, or when friends disappoint, etc...
It happened to the Pharisees when they were waiting for a Messiah to come. They were expecting a mighty warrior who would demolish their oppressor...it was a promise they were given...but they expected this Messiah to look a different way.
God sent a humble servant, a man rejected and then killed...That was not the way it was "expected" to go for God's chosen people. Since it didn't fit their expectations, they were bitter, judgemental, and lost sight of the greatest blessing God had for them...true freedom and eternal salvation.
John 10:10
"The thief comes only that he may steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may life and have it abundantly"
Abundant life is not something externally seen or experienced but an internal transformation of the heart.
Our circumstances don't need to change in order for us to walk in newness of life and freedom in our spirit...It's the attitude of our mind.
What "expectations" can you lay down today and stop letting them rule your life?